
The College farm is 4,063 hectares, of which 2,516 hectares are arable and support a range of standard and alternative farming enterprises.

Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package

Students have the opportunity to complete nominated units of competency relevant to level II and III from the AHC – Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package. Students complete the certificates over two years and must complete the required number of units of competence, including “Core Competencies”, to achieve Certificate II in Agriculture (AHC20122) or Certificate III in Agriculture (AHC30122). Additional opportunities ie; work experience, open day preparation, extra weekend duty are available by negotiation to gain additional units. In addition, students may also choose to complete:

• Certificate II in Shearing     AHC21316

• Certificate II in Wool Handling    AHC21416

• Certificate III units of competency in Pork Production  AHC30422

In Year 12, students who are enrolled in the Certificate II in Wool Handling may also choose to complete

• Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling   AHC33116

All units of competence achieved from the Agriculture Training Package will be listed on a Record of Achievement issued at the conclusion of Year 12.

Farm Enterprises – The College conducts the following enterprises as an educational resource.


On average, 1,500 hectares of crop are sown to wheat, lupins, barley, canola, field peas and oats for hay. An additional 500 hectares of pasture improvement species are sown such as Vetch and Serradella. Students gain experience with the operation of modern technology-rich equipment. During the peak times of sowing and harvest, students are rostered to drive machinery throughout the day and into the evening.


The flock consists of 1,211 AMS merino ewes, of which 50 percent are selected from test results and mated to AMS rams to provide replacement ewes for the whole flock. The balance of the ewes are mated to Poll Dorset rams for the production of lambs for the prime lamb market. A 40 ewe Poll Dorset stud provides some of our ram requirements as well as student exposure to the stud breeding industry.  Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer programs are run to enhance this operation.


The 80-sow herd produces pork and bacon for the slaughter market. The pigs are sold and slaughtered at Linley Valley and are of a consistently high standard. The piggery has achieved Level II Quality Assurance (QA) Accreditation. Recent refurbishment of the farrowing shed has enhanced the overall conditions of the facilities. A new weaner and grower shed commissioned in 2014 provides state of the art conditions for the pigs housed there.


The cattle are run to achieve the following student learning outcomes which includes mating, breeding/genetics (AI for cross-breeding), calving, marking, pregnancy testing, feeding, mustering and safe stock handling. A ration herd is maintained to supply the kitchen requirements.


The College runs an 80-bird laying system housed in a barn style layout, supplying the College requirements and students learn about poultry feeding requirements, egg collection, hygiene and maintaining the production environment. Eggs provided to the College kitchen for student consumption.

Butcher Shop

In our modern facility, students learn the techniques involved in the selection, slaughter, preparation and supply of meat to the College kitchen. This is achieved through processing approximately 20 beasts, 280 sheep and 70 pigs annually.


Students learn the techniques and processes of vehicle and machinery repair and maintenance through actual daily operations and build, maintain and repair a wide range of College infrastructure.

Farm Short Courses

Students have the opportunity to engage in a variety of Short Courses. These courses directly contribute to students’ Certificate Qualifications. Students may enrol in and complete Short Courses such as:

  • Low stock stress Handling
  • White card
  • Chem Cert
  • Loader/Skid Steer Course
  • First Aid

Shows and Competitions

Students have the opportunity to compete in many shows and competitions to further develop and showcase their skills and talents. Shows and competitions include (but are not limited to):

  • Darkan Sheep Fest
  • Pingelly Shearing Show
  • Wagin Woolorama
  • Gate 2 Plate
  • National Merino Challenge
  • West Coast Wools Tour
  • Linley Valley Tour
  • Beverley Agricultural Show
  • Dowerin Field Days
  • Koorda Show
  • Corrigin Show
  • Perth Royal Show
  • Boddington Shears
  • Dinn​inup Show

Research and Technology Agricentre

The College is able to enhance the programs on offer by hosting a number of industry trials on site.

The WANTFA (WA No-Till Farmers Association) leases a 20ha site for its 12 year Carbon Retention trial and other trials as requested. On occasion other industry bodies also have trials.

The establishment of any trial is dependent upon the maximum benefit to student learning outcomes.