Applying For University

Graduates from our College leave with the skills required to enter the workforce or pursue further education and training pathways such as Diploma, Associate and Bachelor Degrees. The College has partnered with various tertiary education providers to better inform student and their families of the further study pathway options available to WACoA Cunderdin graduates. Below are some information flyers outlining course options along with links to universities who offer agriculture-related courses.

It is important to note that many universities offer ATAR ‘bonus points’ for students studying in rural and regional areas along with offering alternative pathways into courses such as early entry with Year 11 results or portfolio entry. Students are encouraged to discuss options with the universities directly or our Associate Principal and Head of Curriculum at the College.

Below are some links to tertiary institutions offering courses in the area of Agriculture.

Applications to WA universities are made via TISC WA (Tertiary Institutions Service Centre).

Please note the information provided is current as of the date of upload and families are strongly encouraged to access the individual institution’s website or contact them directly to discuss entry requirements. The College updates the content annually.